HOTLINE: 099.658.2839
{{ course.title }} GV: {{ course.teacher }} Môn: {{ cbo.subject }}
{{ course.title }} GV: {{ course.teacher }} Môn: {{ subject.subject }}
Đã chọn
{{ cartItem.course.title }} GV: {{ cartItem.course.teacher }} Học phí: {{ cartItem.course.sale_price }}

Tổng: {{ moneyShowing(cartTotal) }}
Ưu đãi Giảm: {{ moneyShowing(cartDiscountTotal) }}

Học phí: {{ moneyShowing(cartFinalTotal) }}

Bạn đồng ý với các điều khoản khi nhấn Gửi Đăng ký.
Bạn chưa chọn khóa học.
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grp : null }) }, selectCourse: function (groupId, courseType, subjectId, courseId) { if (this.isCourseSelected(courseId)) return; let selectedCourse; let tmpGrp = this.groups.find(grp => { return === groupId }); if (courseType === this.courseType[0]) { let tmpCbo = tmpGrp.combo.find(cbo => { return cbo.subject_id === subjectId }); let tmpCourse = => { return c.course_id === courseId }); selectedCourse = { course_type: courseType, group_id: groupId, subject: tmpCbo.subject, subject_id: tmpCbo.subject_id, course_id: tmpCourse.course_id, course: tmpCourse } } else if (courseType === this.courseType[1]) { let tmpSbj = tmpGrp.by_subject.find(sbj => { return sbj.subject_id === subjectId }); let tmpCourse = => { return c.course_id === courseId }); selectedCourse = { course_type: courseType, group_id: groupId, subject: tmpSbj.subject, subject_id: tmpSbj.subject_id, course_id: tmpCourse.course_id, course: tmpCourse } } if (selectedCourse) { this.carts.push(selectedCourse) this.saveCarts() } }, isCourseSelected: function (courseId) { return !!this.carts.find(c => { return c.course_id === courseId }) }, removeSelectedCourse: function (index) { this.carts.splice(index, 1) this.saveCarts() }, moneyShowing: function(val) { return (val).toLocaleString('vi-VN', { style: 'currency', currency: 'VND', }) }, saveCarts() { const parsed = JSON.stringify(this.carts); localStorage.setItem('carts', parsed); }, clearCarts() { this.carts.splice(0) this.saveCarts() }, sendCarts() { const btnLogin = document.getElementById('btnLogin') if(!this.user) { btnLogin?.click() return } if(this.sending) return this.sending = true'/api/v2/courses-register', { 'user' : this.user, 'courses' : this.carts }) .then((response) => { console.log(response) // clear cart, moving to review the order if(response?.status == 200) { toastr.success('Đăng Ký thành công. Tư Vấn Viên sẽ sớm liên lạc với bạn.') this.clearCarts() window.location.href = '/info-payment/' + } }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error) if(error?.response?.status == 401) { toastr.error('Vui lòng đăng nhập!') btnLogin?.click() } else if(error?.response?.status == 422) { toastr.error( } }) .finally(() => { this.sending = false }) }, finalizeCarts: function() { var tmpCart = [...this.carts] this.carts.splice(0) tmpCart.forEach((item, index) => { this.selectCourse(item.group_id, item.course_type, item.subject_id, item.course.course_id) }); } } });